Why a campervan or motorhome can do so much more than just vacation
At the beginning there is usually the question: what type of vacation do you like? Do you go on vacation alone, as a couple or with the children? Is family planning being discussed? Or how long will the family vacation last? Is it mostly a big summer vacation on the plan or are they also thinking about a trip in the spring, fall break or winter vacation? A campervan or motorhome would actually would be a great fit ... And if you then include factors such as flexibility, spontaneity and the comfort of a mobile home, you mentally already start to set up your campervan or motorhome.
And yes, having your own second home, going on vacation alone, with your partner or the kids and discovering the world: definitely just beautiful. But using a campervan or motorhome only for your annual vacation? The house on wheels can do so much more! Just imagine:
On Thursday, instead of clouds and occasional showers, the weather app suddenly shows sunshine, blue skies and temperatures of 15 degrees during the day for the first weekend in March. Yes, you could prepare the garden this weekend, clean the windows, treat yourself to the first ice cream of the year after the weekly shopping (at least a little something) or wash the car. Or you could pack the motorhome and spontaneously drive Friday afternoon to Sunday evening to the sea, the mountains, the nearest lake ... Or how about a city tour or a visit to a region nearby that has long been on your "would like to go there" list?
Weekend. Antique market. Just to look, maybe you find a little something? And then there it is: the antique showcase cabinet that you fall in love with. And affordable too! Transport home? Open the rear doors of the campervan, fold up or raise the rear bed, load it. Fits! And while we're on the subject of transport: campervans have already proven themself countless times as a cargo transporter for furniture store and DIY store visits and as moving helpers ...
A mega-event: the parents are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. And the guest list fills several pages. But the topic of 'accommodation' is not even an issue for you: you simply park the motor home as a guest room in front of your parents' house. And you're super flexible: arrive three days in advance to help with the preparations? That's fine!
Five friends. Inseparable during their studies in Bonn. Afterwards: first job, new partner, starting a family. A new start in Saarbrücken, Aachen, Münster, Göttingen, Braunschweig. Sure, nowadays you can stay in touch with Facetime, WhatsApp video chat or Zoom. But that's just not the same as getting together. Just pack the campervan once a year and for a long weekend it's time for everyone to meet at Rheincamping Siebengebirgsblick. Stay connected in the real world!
You are a person who likes to be alone from time to time. To recharge the batteries. Relax. Switch off. To take a well-deserved time-out. Me-Time! To read more than four pages in the book, and to do so without your mind already being on the second page of the next to-do. Finally learning the song on the guitar that you downloaded the sheet music for three months ago. Replacing the standard running route around the house with a run along the coast or a trail run in the mountains ... Despite good intentions, you usually can't do that at home in your daily routine. So just pack up your camper or campervan and get away for a day or a weekend. Come home and be ready with new energy for everyday life, family and job!
100 shooting stars per hour? One can admire the Perseiden meteror shower in the middle of August. Two cloudless nights are announced in the WeatherApp. And the best: it's summer vacation. So pack your campervan or motorhome and take the kids out to the countryside, where it's nice and dark and you can marvel at the natural spectacle with the best view.
Festivals take place again! Live music under the open sky, party atmosphere, celebrate together. But do you really have to spend the night in a tent? Not if you have your campervan or motorhome with you. With your own bedroom, your own kitchen and - not to be underestimated - your own toilet, a visit to the festival almost becomes a luxury event.
The children are 6, 8 and 10. The only wish on the 10-year-old daughter's birthday wish list: a visit to the amusement park. Let's see what that costs. In the booking portal, the associated vacation villages show a number that makes you think: um, maybe next year ... And then you calculate the cost of travel, admission and overnight stay at the campsite belonging to the theme park and it becomes feasible. Best birthday present ever!
"Our summer vacation is definitely our highlight of the year," you may be saying now, "and everything else doesn't happen that often after all." That may be so. But just once in a while. And some things only become feasible with the second home, some things suddenly work out quite uncomplicated. Best memories and wonderful moments all year round in addition to traveling the world and discovering new favorite places! Campervan and motorhome are just so much more than just a mobile home for the annual vacation!
And now it's your turn: Campervan or motorhome? Which one suits your lifestyle?